
How Surrogacy May Affect Your Significant Other [How to Involve Them]

Key Points:

When making a big decision like surrogacy, you should involve your partner.

Surrogacy requires a lot of physical and emotional energy and will occupy up to a year or more of your life. Having your spouse’s support during your surrogacy journey will be invaluable. 

To get information about how to talk to your spouse about becoming a surrogate, reach out to a professional today. But, to find out how your surrogacy may impact your partner, keep reading.

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Your Significant Other and Surrogacy

Talking to your partner before and during the surrogacy process is the best way to overcome any challenges that you, your significant other or your relationship may face. If your partner is not familiar with surrogacy, they will probably have questions.

Planning what you want to say ahead of time can help you better explain the surrogacy process and your motivation behind it. Anticipating questions your spouse may have and having talking points prepared can help you address any questions or concerns they may have.

Most of the hesitation from husbands of surrogates stems from misconceptions or not understanding how the process works. Some fear that their partner will be intimately involved in the conception of the child or that you are being exploited. Neither of these things is true. This is where doing your own research ahead of the conversation can make a world of difference.

If you are having difficulties talking to your surrogacy husband about surrogacy, or if he or she is not supportive of your surrogacy plans, consider meeting as a couple with a surrogacy specialist or marriage and family counselor.

Surrogacy’s Effect on Your Significant Other

Surrogates and their significant others might wonder how surrogacy might affect their relationship. Every surrogacy experience is different, and some couples may face more challenges than others. Here are some common ways your relationship may be impacted by surrogacy:

Keeping Your Relationship Strong During Surrogacy

Even the most well-established relationships may be tested at times during the surrogacy process. Here are some ways to reassure husbands of surrogates and ensure your relationship remains healthy throughout the pregnancy:

In addition to surrogacy affecting your relationship with your partner, there are also a few requirements they will need to meet. Your partner will undergo a blood test for communicable diseases and a urine drug screen to ensure that you will be carrying this baby in a safe and stable environment. They will also be required to complete the psychological screening portion of the process to gauge how spouses of surrogates feel about surrogacy and address any concerns they may have.

If you’re not sure how to talk to your partner about becoming a surrogate, you can reach out to an adoption professional today. They can help guide you through talking points and provide tips on how to talk to surrogacy husbands about becoming a gestational character.

Starting Your Surrogacy Journey With the Help of Your Partner

Are you interested in learning more about surrogacy or starting the process? Complete our form to request free surrogacy information now.

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