
What You Should Know About Gestational Surrogacy Compensation

Key Points:

As a surrogate, you commit physically and emotionally to carrying a child for intended parents who have longed for a family. You deserve fair and competitive surrogate compensation for making dreams of parenthood a reality.

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This guide contains the basics of what you should know about gestational carrier pay in today’s surrogacy industry.

Do Gestational Surrogates Get Paid?

Yes, surrogates typically receive compensation for their role in carrying and delivering a child for intended parents. The amount of payment can vary widely depending on various factors, including the location, the surrogate’s experience, and any potential medical or legal expenses.

Surrogate compensation is intended to cover not only the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy but also the time and effort involved in the process. It is important to note that surrogacy laws and regulations vary by state, and some places may have restrictions or guidelines on the amount and type of compensation that can be provided to surrogates.

Gestational surrogate payment is legal in the vast majority of the United States. Except for a few states, the U.S. is friendly on the legality and accessibility of gestational carrier compensation.

Wondering whether your state allows for gestational surrogacy pay? Contact a surrogacy professional today to determine whether you can pursue a compensated, gestational surrogacy journey.

How Much Does a Gestational Carrier  Make?

First-time surrogates can make anywhere between $50,000 to $90,000 for their time and commitment, and second-time surrogates can make $60,000 to $110,000 for their experience. Your income and location will also play a role in determining the exact amount you’ll receive in surrogate compensation.

In your research, you may come across agencies who claim to pay high gestational carrier pay. While it’s tempting to choose a surrogacy agency based on which can pay the most, you should take all of these offers with a grain of salt. Many agencies will offer misleading compensation rates to get you through the door of their agency. Look for an agency that is honest and transparent about their gestational carrier compensation rates.


The best surrogacy agencies offer the highest compensation possible to provide financial security and peace of mind as you navigate the process.

Another important thing to know? If you are a prospective surrogate living in California, you will likely be eligible for much higher gestational carriers’ pay than surrogates in another state.

What Else Should I Know About Gestational Surrogate Pay?

There’s no denying that the compensation for gestational surrogates inspires a lot of women to research the surrogacy process. But, surrogate compensation should never be your motivating factor for this journey. You should only be considering surrogacy if you are intrinsically motivated by the desire to help someone else become a parent.

While surrogate compensation can be a great financial advantage, it’s not one that you should count on for daily expenses. Instead, surrogates use their compensation for long-term financial goals, such as putting a down payment on a house or saving for their child’s college. Compensation is paid out in installments during a pregnancy. If you are solely motivated by financial gains, this compensation will not be worth the risks and complications you open yourself up to as a gestational carrier.

Starting Your Gestational Carrier Journey

If you’re considering becoming a gestational carrier, the best thing to do is speak with a surrogacy professional as soon as possible. They can give you more information about how much you may get paid to be a gestational carrier and what requirements you have to meet before you get started.

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