Intended Parents

How Do You Find an LGBT Surrogacy Agency?

Key Points:

One of the most important things you need to do if you’re considering LGBT surrogacy is to find gay-friendly surrogacy agencies and choose the one that’s right for you.

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Fortunately, because gay marriage and gay surrogacy are legal in the United States, there are many LGBT surrogacy agencies prepared to help you reach your parenthood goals. Like all surrogacy agencies, they can help you through every step of your surrogacy process, from screening and finding a surrogate to coordinating communication between your medical and legal professionals.

But, with so many gay-friendly surrogacy agencies available to you, how do you find the right one for you — and make sure that the professional is really as open and equal as they claim to be? We’ve offered some helpful tips to help you in this important decision process.

It’s also important to note that, as a hopeful parent, you are not just defined by your sexual orientation, and there are many additional factors to take into account when choosing the perfect surrogacy professional for you. If our emphasis on phrases like “gay surrogacy agencies” and “LGBT agencies” seems odd, unnecessary or unrepresentative of your preferred language or gender identity, please read this article to learn more about these language choices.  

How Do I Know if an Agency is LGBT-Friendly?

In most cases, agencies who welcome LGBT individuals and couples to their programs are very open about their LGBT surrogacy agency programs and will go out of their way to make sure you feel comfortable with their agency. They may have a page dedicated on their website to LGBT surrogacy, send you additional information specifically regarding LGBT surrogacy once you contact them, and may even be recommended by the Human Rights Campaign or a similar advocacy group. They will also use inclusive language in their website, marketing materials and conversations with you.

Typically, if you do not receive this kind of welcome, or a surrogacy agency is vague about the way they will ensure your comfort during the surrogacy process, it’s usually safe to assume they’re not as LGBT-friendly as other agencies — and you should consider working with another professional.

How Do I Choose a Gay Surrogacy Agency?

When you’re choosing a same-sex surrogacy agency, you will have lots of options to choose from — so you should not feel obligated to commit to one agency if they are not making you feel as welcome or as accepted as you would have liked. Even though there are many gay-friendly surrogacy agencies to choose from, not every single professional will work for everyone. You should always take the time to find the perfect fit for you.

But, how do you do this?

We recommend that all LGBT intended parents have an in-depth conversation with a prospective LGBT surrogacy agency before committing to their program. This gives you the chance to get to know the professional better, ask them any questions you may have and gauge whether or not they’re really the right choice for you. The questions you ask can be telling; they’ll give you a good idea of exactly how LGBT-friendly their programs are. Some questions to ask include:

In addition, you should also ask more general questions about the agency’s services to determine if they’re the right fit for your own surrogacy goals and preferences. You always have the right to choose the professional that’s best for you, even if it may take you more time than you anticipated. Because finding a same-sex surrogacy agency will set the tone for the rest of your surrogacy experience, it’s important that you find one that you’re comfortable with from the very beginning.

What are Some LGBT Surrogacy Agencies to Consider?

Which surrogacy agency you use will depend upon your own preferences, including your surrogacy goals, the location of the agency, the services they provide and more. However, there are a few surrogacy agencies around the U.S. that are proudly LGBT-friendly. You may want to consider them as you find the perfect surrogacy agency for you:

In addition, websites like maintain lists of LGBT surrogacy agencies’ reviews to help LGBT intended parents find the right fit. This way, you can learn more about potential LGBT surrogacy agencies from other LGBT intended parents who have used these professionals.

Finding a gay surrogacy agency you’re comfortable with from the beginning is the first step toward finally becoming the parents you’ve always wanted to be, so it’s important to take the time to find the one that’s perfect for you. When you find the right surrogacy agency, the rest of your surrogacy process will follow smoothly, effectively and successfully. If you’re ready to begin your surrogacy process today, speak to a surrogacy professional today.

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