
How to Know if You Would Make a Great Surrogate

Because surrogacy is such a big commitment, there are some questions you should ask yourself before diving into the surrogacy process: Would I make a good surrogate? Is surrogacy right for me? How do I know I’m ready?

Figuring out how to answer these questions can be difficult. That’s where we come in. You can reach out to a surrogacy professional today to get the guidance you need.

Choosing to carry a pregnancy for someone else is a big, life-changing decision, and there are many factors to consider before becoming a surrogate. Here are five questions to ask yourself to determine whether you are ready to be a great surrogate.

1. Do I meet surrogacy agency requirements?

There is a reason why surrogacy agencies ask their surrogates to meet certain requirements; these qualifications are designed to ensure the women they work with will make great surrogates.

Talk with the agencies you are considering to learn more about the qualities they look for in prospective surrogates. Most agency requirements are designed to ensure you are completely ready to commit to surrogacy and that you and the baby will be healthy and protected throughout the process.

2. Am I healthy enough for surrogacy?

One of the first steps of every surrogate’s journey is the medical screening process. You will need to get approval from a physician that says you can carry a healthy pregnancy.

If you have carried previous pregnancies to term with no major complications, and if your previous pregnancies and deliveries were relatively easy for you, that’s a good sign that you’ll physically be a good surrogate. Your surrogacy professional and fertility specialists will perform a thorough screening and review your medical records to ensure surrogacy is safe for you and the baby you will carry.

3. Am I ready to commit to the surrogacy process?

It is important that you fully understand the surrogacy process and all of its legal, medical and social implications before becoming a surrogate.

Consider the timing of your surrogacy experience. Are you ready to commit a year or longer to the intended parents you choose to help? You will need to focus much of that time on the surrogacy — attending appointments, communicating with the intended parents and keeping yourself and the baby healthy.

In addition to the typical physical demands of pregnancy, you will need to undergo additional screenings, more frequent appointments, and the added discomfort of daily injections and some invasive procedures. There may also be a possibility that you will carry multiples or will need to be put on bed rest during your pregnancy.

Surrogacy is emotionally challenging as well. You may find that your pregnancy adds stress to your own mental health as well as your relationships with others. While most surrogates do well with the emotional transfer of the baby, you will also need to consider the potential emotional complications of carrying a baby for nine months for another family. It is highly recommended that you seek psychological counseling throughout the surrogacy process to address any emotional challenges you may encounter.

It is important to carefully research surrogacy and have a solid understand of what is being asked of you as a surrogate before proceeding with the process.

4. Do I have a strong surrogacy support system?

Surrogacy requires a significant commitment of time, energy and effort — not only from you, but also from your family and other members of your support system. You will need emotional support, as well as practical, day-to-day assistance, from your family and close friends throughout the process.

Before making any decisions about surrogacy, it is important to talk with your significant other and anyone else you want to involve in your surrogacy experience. You should also consider how surrogacy might affect your own children, and think about how you’d like to talk to them about your surrogate pregnancy.

5. Why do I want to be a surrogate?

Having the right motivation is central to being a great surrogate, and this is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself before deciding to become a surrogate.

It is perfectly reasonable to have a healthy desire to be fairly compensated, but that is likely not enough to make surrogacy a rewarding and fulfilling experience for you. You should also be motivated by a deep sense of altruism — a strong desire to help another family in the biggest and most selfless way possible.

What’s Next?

If you enjoy pregnancy and are excited for an opportunity to help make another family’s dream a reality, chances are you’ll be a wonderful surrogate. With these qualities and an open mind, everything else will likely fall into place.

If you think you are ready to start your surrogacy journey, or you’re not sure where to start figuring out if you have what it takes to be a surrogate, contact a surrogacy professional today.

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