Surrogacy By State

Surrogacy in Lewiston

Key Points:
  • Find surrogacy agencies in the Lewiston, Maine area for surrogates and parents.
  • Find other surrogacy professionals in the area needed for the surrogacy process.
  • Begin the surrogacy process in Lewiston, ME by contacting a surrogate professional.

When you work with the right Lewiston surrogacy professionals, you can become a surrogate or a parent through surrogacy in Lewiston, ME, safely and smoothly. So, where do you begin to find reputable and experienced professionals? Here.

Speak with a specialist today!

We’ve listed all the best fertility clinics, lawyers, Lewiston surrogacy agencies and programs and other local resources that will help you in your surrogacy journey.

To learn more about the Maine surrogacy process or to become a parent or surrogate in Lewiston, contact a surrogacy professional now. Or, start with these resources for surrogacy in Lewiston, Maine, to connect with the best surrogacy professionals:

How to Become a Surrogate in Lewiston

To become a surrogate in Lewiston, Maine, follow these steps:

·         Reach out to a surrogacy specialist.

·         Assess your readiness through a screening process.

·         Get matched with an intended family.

·         Begin the surrogacy medical procedures.

·         Experience the pregnancy and delivery phases.

Apply to be a surrogate in Lewiston by filling out a simple form and connect with a surrogacy professional today.

Surrogate Requirements in Lewiston

Surrogate requirements are designed to protect the health and safety of the surrogate, the child, and the intended parents.

·         Typical surrogate requirements include:

·         Being between 21 and 40 years old.

·         Having had a successful pregnancy before.

·         Currently raising at least one child.

·         Having no felony convictions.

·         Experiencing no major complications in previous pregnancies.

While there are sometimes exceptions, these guidelines are generally established by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and are common in fertility clinics and surrogacy agencies. Find out more about the qualifications needed to be a surrogate.

If you do not meet the qualifications to be a surrogate, here are some options for you.

How to Find a Surrogate in Lewiston

The most effective way to find a surrogate is to work with a surrogacy agency. These steps can help you:

·         Contact a surrogacy agency.

·         Get to know potential surrogates.

·         Match with a surrogate and begin your surrogacy journey.

Top surrogacy agencies in Lewiston can match you with a surrogate within an average of 1 - 6 months. They achieve short wait times without compromising quality by:

·         Pre-screening surrogates.

·         Extensive surrogate marketing efforts.

·         Maintaining a one-to-one ratio of intended parents to surrogates.

How Much Do Surrogates Make in Lewiston?

Surrogates in Lewiston can earn between $50,000 and $110,000. Your compensation increases with any prior surrogacy experience. For example:

·         First-time surrogates generally make $50,000-$90,000.

·         Experienced surrogates can earn $60,000-$110,000+.

Your compensation package will include a base pay, which is often paid monthly, plus additional compensation for:

·         Starting medications.

·         Travel expenses.

·         Maternity clothing allowance.

·         Mock cycle payment.

·         Signing bonus.

·         Embryo transfer.

·         Bed rest compensation.

·         Pregnancy self-care.

·         Post-pregnancy self-care.

·         Lost wages.

·         Counseling if needed.

·         Breast milk.

·         Spouse’s lost wages.

·         Housekeeping.

·         Family meals.

Contact us today to learn about surrogate compensation.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Lewiston?

The average surrogacy cost in Lewiston ranges from $80,000 to $300,000+.

The best surrogacy agencies prioritize transparency in their cost structures, ensuring you clearly understand how your budget is being utilized to expedite your journey to parenthood. These agencies provide detailed surrogacy cost breakdowns of expenses, allowing you to see exactly where your money is going.  Such services could include:

  • Medical costs.
  • Legal fees.
  • Case management fees.
  • Gestational carrier fees.

By offering itemized cost estimates and explaining each service’s purpose, they foster trust and reduce financial uncertainties. This clarity in budgeting not only alleviates financial stress but also ensures that all resources are efficiently allocated, facilitating a smoother and faster surrogacy process.

Finding a surrogacy agency that provides transparent fees and a clear fee structure can help you manage your surrogacy costs and achieve your dreams without unexpected financial challenges.

Surrogacy Agencies nearest Lewiston, Maine

A surrogacy program or matching program is also referred to as a Lewiston surrogacy agency. This type of professional usually offers all of the necessary services throughout your surrogacy process, including searching, screening, matching, counseling, case management, any necessary referrals and more. When you work with a surrogate agency in Lewiston, they’ll serve as your primary point of contact and handle everything on your behalf.

The top-rated surrogacy agencies that can work with Lewiston residents include:

Surrogacy Clinics in Lewiston, Maine

A Lewiston surrogacy clinic, also called a fertility clinic, is where you’ll complete the medical steps of your surrogacy process, like IVF and embryo transfer. If a surrogate lives in a separate city or state, she may need to travel for one or two of the key appointments, with her related travel expenses compensated for her by the intended parents.

Some intended parents will have a previous connection to a local Lewiston, Maine, surrogacy clinic if they were receiving fertility treatments before pursuing surrogacy, and they may wish to work with that clinic again. Your surrogacy professional may be able to refer you to a reputable professional if you don’t have a preexisting relationship with a local provider, or you can reach out to a nearby clinic like this one:

Lewiston Surrogacy Lawyers

In order to complete the legal steps of the process of surrogacy in Lewiston, Maine, intended parents and surrogates will need individual representation through Lewiston surrogacy attorneys. Together, you’ll create a surrogacy contract, which must be finalized before you begin any medical steps.

Your surrogacy contract will establish a number of important details, such as the legal parental rights of the intended parents, compensation for the surrogate, the risks and responsibilities that everyone is agreeing to take on and more.

A Lewiston surrogacy attorney will ensure that your surrogacy process meets all the criteria of the Maine surrogacy laws and is completed to all legal and ethical standards. A Lewiston, Maine, surrogacy agency can connect you to a reputable lawyer, like these local professionals:


Surrogacy agencies have a list of approved surrogacy attorneys in the Lewiston area to help you through the legal process.

Maternity Hospitals in Lewiston

Surrogates will typically outline their preferred birth plan during the creation of the surrogacy contract. In that plan, the surrogate will discuss where and how they prefer to deliver the baby, the intended parents may talk about how they plan to arrive that day and more.

Local surrogates may find one of these nearby hospitals around Lewiston convenient for their surrogacy birth plan:

Starting Your Lewiston Surrogacy Journey

An important first step you should always take when starting the surrogacy process is to select the surrogacy professional that’s right for you. Choosing the right professional for surrogacy in Lewiston, Maine, will ensure that both the intended parents and surrogate are informed, safe and confident throughout the complex processes of Lewiston surrogacy. So how will you know when you’ve found the right one?

The right professional will be able to meet your individual goals and needs and will be transparent with you about the process from the beginning. Start by asking plenty of questions, and don’t forget to ask about:

  • The requirements that potential intended parents and surrogates in Lewiston will need to meet
  • The screening processes that surrogates and intended parents will need to complete
  • Whether or not they match surrogates and intended parents, and if so, how their matching process works
  • Any other services they offer for surrogates and intended parents
  • The cost, on average, for intended parents to work with them

You can relax and enjoy the Lewiston surrogacy experience if you’re comfortable with your surrogacy professional.

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a parent through surrogacy in Lewiston, Maine, or in finding out how to become a surrogate mother in Lewiston, contact a surrogacy professional today. They’ll help you begin your surrogacy journey.

Male and Female couple smiling with surrogate mother
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