Intended Parents

Can Frozen Embryos Be Genetically Tested?

One of the most significant advancements in reproductive technology is the ability to perform genetic testing on frozen embryos.

Genetic testing on frozen embryos when you are ready to use them helps your fertility specialist determine the best embryos suited for transfer.

Freezing embryos may be right for your journey if you have conditions that put your fertility at risk. Fill out our online contact form for more free information about how to freeze embryos for surrogacy.

This article will break down frozen embryo genetic testing in-depth, from the benefits and success rates to the process itself.

Can Frozen Embryos Be Genetically Tested? [4 Steps]

Yes, frozen embryos can be genetically tested.

IVF creates multiple embryos and not all of these embryos will be used for your journey.

Genetic testing on frozen embryos could be for embryos you’ve saved from previous IVF cycles or for embryos created specifically for surrogacy.

Step 1: Embryo Thawing

Embryo thawing consists of gradually warming the embryos to room temperature, hydrating them to replace the cryoprotectant agent that helped keep them frozen and assessing the embryos for any damage

At that point, your fertility specialist will biopsy a few cells from each embryo to be sent for testing.

Step 2: Genetic Testing on Frozen Embryos

The genetic testing for frozen embryos, also called preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), typically consists of two types of test.

PGT-A evaluates the embryos chromosomes. Any missing or extra chromosomes can lead to failure to implant, miscarriage and/or impact of future health of the child.

PGT-M helps your fertility specialist in identifying known genetic conditions from you, your partner or your families, ensuring embryos with these disorders are not used for the embryo transfer. 

Genetic testing of frozen embryos not only identifies embryos that could extend your journey to becoming a parent, it offers benefits such as:

  • A higher chance of implantation
  • A higher pregnancy rate
  • Lower chances of adverse pregnancy outcomes

Step 3: Refreezing Embryos

Embryos are usually frozen through a process called vitrification. This process “flash freezes” the embryo stopping all development within and preserving its fertility and viability for later use.

Step 4: Genetic Analysis and Embryo Selection

The embryos will be examined in detail. It can take 1-2 weeks to receive your testing results

This part of frozen embryo genetic testing depends on whether it’s a day three or day five transfer, assessed by criteria for each of those days to determine the best, high-quality embryos that will be transferred.

Can Frozen Embryos Be Biopsied?

Yes, frozen embryos can be biopsied. It’s become a routine process of thawing the embryo, removing cells from the embryo’s trophectoderm and refreezing the embryo that is performed with high success rates. Over 95% of embryos survive the freezing and thawing process.

What Are the Success Rates of Frozen Embryo Genetic Testing?

Although the ability to freeze embryos and preserve your fertility is undoubtedly a benefit, you are likely wondering what it means for your goal of being a parent.

CNY Fertility, a Bay area-based fertility clinic, made clear that success rates will depend on your specific circumstances as well as your professional, but cited they saw pregnancy rates generally increase 10-20% after PGT-A.

They noted that while PGT-A doesn’t increase success rates per egg retrieval, it did increase success rates per embryo transfer.

How Much Is Genetic Testing on Frozen Embryos?

The cost of genetic testing on frozen embryos is dependent on who you work with and the type of testing needed. Biopsies, the number of embryos being tested, your clinic’s fees, any laboratory fees can all factor in to the total cost for frozen embryo genetic testing. 

Contact us online for more information about how many embryos you should freeze. Having embryos is an integral step in the surrogacy process. If you already have embryos secured, we can match you with a surrogate in as little as 1-6 months.

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