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What to Know About IVF and Insurance

Key Points:

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an effective way to become a parent. But, the entire IVF process is expensive. In some states, people seeking IVF treatment can use their insurance to cover part or all of the process.

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Continue reading to learn more about health insurance and IVF treatment.

Infertility and Insurance

For your insurance to cover IVF, you’ll need to live in a state with infertility coverage laws.

States that have Infertility Insurance Laws include:

States that have IVF Insurance Laws include:

And states that have Fertility Preservation Laws include:

Resolve, a website that has a comprehensive list of what insurance does and does not cover in these states, advises people to ask their insurance companies or employers the following questions about their coverage:

IVF and Insurance

While state insurance plans do cover IVF, there are often limitations to what a policy will cover.

For example, in Arkansas, people seeking IVF must get treatment at specific clinics. Also, there is a preexisting conditions stipulation and lifetime maximum coverage limits.

So, while insurance can sometimes help cover IVF, you may end up paying for some treatment out-of-pocket.

Although IVF can cost anywhere from $12,000-$30,000, VeryWell Family reports that the average couple spends $19,234 for a cycle of IVF. If you try additional cycles, you could spend an average of $6,955 per round.

Considering Surrogacy

If you decide that IVF isn’t the right choice, surrogacy is always an option for you, but don’t rush yourself into the process. Take all the time you need to work through what you’re experiencing.

It’s OK to tell a surrogacy professional you may benefit from infertility support resources, too. These professionals can give you suggestions for infertility counselors and support groups. 

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is when a couple or individual works with a surrogate to have a baby.

Typically, the intended parents (you) will work with a surrogacy agency to ensure they and the surrogate follows their state’s surrogacy guidelines.

Surrogacy agencies also provide a number of other benefits, including:


Although the surrogate will be carrying your baby, they won’t share any DNA with them. This means the baby will be biologically related to you.

The Cost of Surrogacy

Intended parents typically pay anywhere from $60,000 to $150,000 to cover a surrogate’s needs during the surrogacy and provide her with a base payment. This fee also covers:

Next Steps on Your Family Building Journey

If you’re interested in trying IVF to conceive, check if your insurance can help cover your treatment. Insurance plans can provide a lot of help and make the overall cost of fertility treatment more affordable.

Deciding that IVF isn’t the right choice for you is OK, too. And you can still become a parent through surrogacy. Contact us today to get more information about all your family-building options.

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