
Is Surrogacy Right For You?

Surrogate Age Requirements

For many women, the dream of becoming a gestational carrier is a lifelong one. Some women know they want to be a surrogate from a very young age, while others are inspired to take this journey after they have experienced the joy of parenthood themselves.

While women across all ages can hope to become surrogates, only those women within a certain age range can actually pursue this path.

Like all health requirements to be a surrogate, age requirements to be a surrogate exist for a specific reason — to keep you, a prospective surrogate, safe through this journey. In the articles below, learn more about the requirements for being a surrogate at every age and exactly why they will be so important to prospective surrogates like you.


Can a 60-Year-Old Be a Surrogate?

You’ve heard stories of grandmothers delivering their own grandchildren — but is this actually a possibility? Can a 60-year-old woman be a surrogate for someone that...


Can I Be a Teen Surrogate? What You Should Know

Is being an 18-year-old surrogate mother or a 19-year-old surrogate possible? Learn more about the age requirements to be a gestational carrier here, including everything you...


Can You Be a Surrogate at Age 50 — or Older?

Sometimes, women who are in the middle of their life want to give back by serving as a gestational carrier. But, how possible is this path...


Can You Be a Surrogate in Your 20s?

Becoming a gestational carrier in your 20s is definitely an option for you! But, there are some questions you should ask yourself first.  Before you get...


What are the Age Requirements for Surrogacy?

Before you can become a surrogate, you need to meet the age requirements for surrogacy. Learn what an appropriate gestational surrogate age is here, as well...


What is the Minimum Age to Be a Surrogate?

Want to be a surrogate — but not sure if you’re old enough to take this journey? Find out what the surrogate minimum age is here...


What is the Surrogate Age Limit?

How old is too old to be a surrogate mother? What are the risks of an older surrogate? Find the answers to these questions and more...


What to Know About Being a Surrogate Over 40

Is 43 too old to be a surrogate? Can I become a surrogate mother at age 47? Wherever you are in your 40s, learn more about...


What You Should Consider About Being a Surrogate in Your 30s

Thinking about surrogacy as a 30-something? You’re in luck — you are an ideal surrogate candidate! Learn more about the requirements to become a surrogate in...


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