
Pregnancy Test Results After Transfer By Day

After an embryo transfer many fertility clinics recommend waiting up to 14 days before testing, as hCG (the pregnancy hormone) may not reach detectable levels immediately, especially with a home test.

By understanding how test results typically progress day by day, you can test for pregnancy with better accuracy and address any concerns promptly with your healthcare team.

Below, we will break down each day from day 7 to day 14 post-transfer, examining what negative pregnancy test results may mean and why waiting until day 14 often provides the most reliable answer.

Learn more about pregnancy as a surrogate here, or fill out this simple form to get help if you are considering becoming a surrogate.

Pregnancy Test 7 Days After Embryo Transfer

At 7 days after embryo transfer, it’s usually too early for an accurate result. While it’s possible for hCG to start appearing around this time, levels may still be low, leading to a high chance of a false negative.

Recommendation: Wait a few more days to improve accuracy.

Pregnancy Test 8 Days After Embryo Transfer

8 days post-transfer is still quite early for reliable detection, though some may experience a faint positive if hCG levels are starting to rise. However, there’s still a high chance of a false negative due to low hCG levels.

Pregnancy Test 9 Days After Embryo Transfer

By 9 days after transfer, some early testers may see a faint positive, but false negatives are still common. If you test and receive a negative result, it’s wise to retest in a few days to confirm.

Recommendation: Still too early for an accurate answer; consider waiting until day 12 or later.

Pregnancy Test 10 Days After Embryo Transfer

10 days post-transfer is on the earlier side for testing, but some individuals may see a positive at this stage. There’s still a risk of a false negative, especially if implantation occurred later than expected.

Recommendation: Retest in a few days if you see a negative result.

Pregnancy Test 11 Days After Embryo Transfer

At 11 days after transfer, hCG levels should be rising if pregnancy has occurred. While a positive result is more reliable at this stage, negative results may still be false for some.

Recommendation: Retest closer to day 14 for a definitive answer.

Pregnancy Test 12 Days After Embryo Transfer

12 days post-transfer is often when home pregnancy tests become more reliable. At this stage, many individuals may see a clear positive if they’re pregnant.

Recommendation: A positive result is more likely reliable, but a negative may warrant retesting.

Pregnancy Test 13 Days After Embryo Transfer

13 days after transfer is generally a reliable time to test for hCG, as levels should be more easily detectable if implantation occurred.

Recommendation: Testing at this stage should give a fairly accurate result, though waiting until day 14 is optimal.

Pregnancy Test 14 Days After Embryo Transfer

Testing 14 days post-transfer is the standard recommended by most clinics. At this stage, if pregnancy has occurred, hCG levels are typically high enough for a definitive result.

Recommendation: Day 14 is the ideal time for an accurate result, and a blood test can confirm home test results.

Why Wait to Test After Embryo Transfer?

Waiting up to 14 days after an embryo transfer is essential for accurate pregnancy testing. Here’s why:

At-Home Pregnancy Tests vs. Blood Tests

While at-home pregnancy tests can detect hCG, a blood test is more sensitive and provides a quantitative measure of hCG levels.

Blood tests are particularly useful in tracking early pregnancy progress, as they allow your fertility specialist to monitor whether hCG levels are doubling every 48-72 hours, which is a good indicator of a healthy pregnancy.

Why Blood Tests Are More Accurate:

Symptoms to Expect During the Two-Week Wait

The two weeks before pregnancy testing are referred to as the “two-week wait.” During the two-week wait, some people experience symptoms such as:

It’s important to note that these symptoms can also result from the medications used in IVF and are not definitive indicators of pregnancy. Each person’s experience is unique, and the absence of symptoms does not mean the transfer was unsuccessful.

How to Get Support

While the information here provides a general guide, it’s essential to follow your fertility specialist’s instructions regarding when to take a pregnancy test. Their recommendations are based on your unique circumstances and medical history, which will give you the best path to an accurate result.

Testing after an embryo transfer requires patience, as hCG levels need time to become detectable. Waiting until 14 days after transfer provides the most reliable outcome, especially when confirmed by a blood test.

During this time, it’s normal to experience a mix of emotions, and symptoms or lack thereof isn’t definitive indicators of success. Following your specialist’s guidance will give you the most accurate results and ensure you have the support you need throughout your journey.

Learn more about pregnancy as a surrogate here, or fill out this simple form to get help if you are considering becoming a surrogate.

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