Surrogacy By State

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Virginia?

The cost of surrogacy in Virginia is an important factor for intended parents to consider.

However, surrogacy remains an accessible way to grow your family. Most realize they can afford surrogacy once they’ve made a financial plan and assessed their resources.

Once you understand what’s involved in financing surrogacy, you’ll see that the cost doesn’t have to keep you from the family you’ve always wanted.

 When you’re ready to begin your surrogacy plan, contact us for support and advice throughout the process.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Virginia?

Surrogacy in Virginia costs between $150,000 and $179,000+. Your price could be affected by your surrogate’s cost of living and your choice of surrogacy professional.

Even at these high prices, surrogacy can be a realistic and attainable goal for your family. Intended parents come from all different kinds of personal situations and financial backgrounds. With a solid plan and careful use of resources, you can afford surrogacy.

Understanding the costs involved in surrogacy is often the first step in building your financial plan. The details of these fees can go a long way toward giving intended parents an idea of how their funds will be used throughout the wider process.

Surrogacy agencies facilitate your process, and take care of a huge chunk of the technical work so you won’t have to. These fees cover things like coordination, support, matching services and more.

Surrogates undertake a huge responsibility and physical endeavor that could impact their body for years. This expense compensates them and reimburses them for maternity clothes, lost wages and more.

Both you and the surrogate need legal representation, to ensure everyone’s rights are protected. This fee also covers contract drafting.

Some agencies screen prospective surrogates before matching them with families. This helps keep complications from coming up unexpectedly during the surrogacy process.

These fees cover the cost of various procedures needed during this process, such as fertility treatments for the surrogate, the embryo transfer, delivery costs and other medical interventions.

Some costs like travel expenses, lost wages and costs related to pregnancy complications are hard to predict and can change based on your situation. 

An Example Surrogacy Cost Breakdown in Virginia

The single biggest determining factor in your overall cost will be which surrogacy professional you choose to work with. Every professional will have different pricing structures that not only affect your overall costs, but also change how your funds are directed during your process.

For example, some agencies focus on recruiting and screening highly dedicated surrogates, while others may prioritize different aspects of the process, sometimes neglecting surrogate screening.

Here is an example of what an average surrogacy cost breakdown could look like:

Virginia Surrogacy
Cost Breakdown

Surrogacy Cost Breakdown in Virginia

You deserve to grow your family in a way that works for your family. We can help put you in contact with agencies that respect your input, value your opinion, and adjust their services to meet your needs. Contact us today for helpful advice and fulfilling connections.                                                                                                                                                                                            

What’s a Realistic Income for Surrogacy?

Surrogacy has no set income limitations, meaning that anyone who can secure the necessary funding can become a parent. Some surrogacy agencies have their own income requirements. These requirements vary by agency.

While fundraising may take careful planning, it is an attainable goal, and there are plenty of public resources and experienced professionals to help you through it.



There are many paths available for those looking to finance their surrogacy. Intended parents often use a combination of personal savings, community fundraising, and specialized surrogacy loans to build a financial plan. No one option will be right for everyone.

What Do You Get from Funding A Surrogacy?

All this focus on price may obscure the value intended parents receive during surrogacy. There are three main ways agencies provide value to the intended parents:

When you’re debating which surrogacy professional to work with, consider comparing aspects like wait times, amount of pre-screening, and financial protection.

Understanding the Cost of Surrogacy in Virginia

The cost of Surrogacy in Virginia can be broken down into smaller fees and expenses, as we’ve demonstrated. Most of these are fairly straight forward, but a few of the larger expenses merit special attention.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost with Insurance in Virginia?

How your insurance policy will help you during surrogacy can be difficult to understand without help from an expert. You may want to discuss your coverage with someone experienced with surrogacy and insurance law before making any concrete plans.

Your current insurance may extend your coverage to your surrogate’s expenses during gestation. Some policies even have provisions that help pay surrogate’s compensation. However, some policies don’t extend any coverage to surrogates at all.

Depending on your policy, you may need to acquire additional insurance. You may do this independently, but some agencies will offer to obtain coverage on your behalf, at no extra expense to you.

How Much Does a Surrogate Cost in Virginia?

Surrogate compensation ranges from $50,000 to $70,000+, and often depends on the cost of living in your surrogate’s home state.

Surrogate compensation will be the largest expense in your surrogacy budget. The funds you allocate to compensation are divided into two categories.

The first fund is reimbursement. This is meant to address any pregnancy-related expenses your surrogate encounters, from copays and lost wages to maternity clothes.

The second fund is called base pay, and is treated similarly to a monthly salary. Surrogates often use this money to improve their own family’s situation with things like putting a down payment on a new house or establishing a savings fund for their own children’s college.

How Much Does IVF and Surrogacy Cost?

IVF in Virginia costs between $20,000 and $24,000 on average per cycle. This cost is highly variable, with estimates all the way from $6,000 to over $30,000.

Remember most low estimates don’t include costs like medication and genetic testing. Your insurance may help cover some of these costs.

Most surrogacy professionals recommend completing IVF before beginning surrogacy. This will help cut down your overall wait time. Because of this, IVF is not included in most surrogacy price estimates. Be careful to include realistic cost estimates for IVF while planning out your surrogacy budget.

Affording Surrogacy in Virginia

Surrogacy is a wonderful way to add to your family, and can be much more attainable than some may think.

Many resources exist to help families of all different financial situations afford surrogacy; one of the most popular and most widely accessible resources to help families afford surrogacy is loans.

If you’re considering using a loan to supplement your surrogacy funds, you may want to consider surrogacy-specific loans, or home equity backed borrowing.

These borrowing methods may let you secure better lending terms. Only borrow from trusted, established institutions, and carefully consider the ramifications of borrowing money.

How to Pay for Surrogacy

Loans may be the most popular method of affording surrogacy, but they are only one option in a wide field of choices. Most intended families combine several different resources to raise the funds required for surrogacy.

Here’s a list to help you start gathering your funding.

This is just a starting point; be sure to assess your unique situation and consider assets we may not have mentioned.

Many intended parents save for years, little by little, in order to afford surrogacy.

If you have any profitable investments like long-term mutual funds, these could take care of much of the costs.

Homeowners can take out a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC). This method is often overlooked, but it comes highly recommended by economists.

Many charitable organizations offer grants to intended parents. This can be an impactful supplement to assist your budget.

Some companies offer adoption assistance, which can often be extended to surrogacy. Some companies even offer surrogacy-specific benefits.

There are also loans available for intended parents. Surrogacy professionals may offer a financing plan, or they may work with partner organizations like Sunfish or FutureFamily. Be aware of predatory lending and high interest rates. Consult a surrogacy professional for more information and personalized advice. 

Surrogacy Agencies in Virginia

As discussed, surrogacy agencies provide intended parents crucial support. Whether you need help finding a surrogate or navigating the legal process, surrogacy agencies can help.

If you’re looking for attentive, compassionate agencies, consider reaching out to these trusted firms:

Fertility Agencies in Virginia

Fertility clinics are a constant presence in surrogacy journeys, so finding one where you and your surrogate can feel comfortable and cared for can greatly improve your experience. When you’re ready, consider contacting these clinics:

When Can I Get Started?

You can begin your surrogacy journey right now if you’d like. Surrogacy operates on your timeline – you don’t have to wait any longer to begin building the family you’ve always dreamed of having.

We can help you connect to personable agencies capable of helping you grow your family.

Get Started