Surrogacy By State

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in South Carolina?

Surrogacy can be a beautiful and rewarding experience, but the cost of surrogacy in South Carolina may discourage some intended parents.

Despite these costs, you should know that surrogacy is an attainable, affordable goal, and can be accessible for you despite your finances.

If you’re constructing a financial plan for surrogacy, contact us. We can help connect you to experienced professionals and assist you with gathering resources for your budget.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in South Carolina?

Average rates for total surrogacy costs in South Carolina range between $150,000 and $179,000+. This fee may be adjusted based on where your surrogate lives.

These fees are shocking to many intended parents, however, surrogacy is an attainable process, and much of this cost may not need to be paid out of pocket.

Toward the end of this article, you’ll learn more about ways to raise funds and financial resources at your disposal.

The first step towards affording your surrogacy is understanding why these costs are the way they are, and what your funding is being used for:

Surrogacy agencies facilitate your process, and take care of a huge chunk of the technical work so you won’t have to. These fees cover things like coordination, support, matching services and more.

Surrogates undertake a huge responsibility and physical endeavor that could impact their body for years. This expense compensates them and reimburses them for maternity clothes, lost wages and more.

Both you and the surrogate need legal representation, to ensure everyone’s rights are protected. This fee also covers contract drafting.

Some agencies screen prospective surrogates before matching them with families. This helps keep complications from coming up unexpectedly during the surrogacy process.

These fees cover the cost of various procedures needed during this process, such as fertility treatments for the surrogate, the embryo transfer, delivery costs and other medical interventions.

Some costs like travel expenses, lost wages and costs related to pregnancy complications are hard to predict and can change based on your situation. 

An Example Surrogacy Cost Breakdown in South Carolina

Your choice of surrogacy professional will be the deciding factor in determining your overall price. Different professionals will use your funding differently.

Many individual agencies have unique strategies that direct your funding to different stages of the surrogacy process.

For example, some agencies may use more funds on recruiting and screening surrogates to keep costs and disruption low. Here’s an example of a cost breakdown from a hypothetical agency:

South Carolina Surrogacy
Cost Breakdown

Surrogacy Cost Breakdown in South Carolina

You deserve to work with an agency that values your input and can adjust to your family’s needs. Contact us today to get started.

What’s a Realistic Income for Surrogacy?

Surrogacy has no set income requirements; anyone with the required funds can initiate a surrogacy.

Though a higher income can help in the fundraising process, anyone with consistent income and personal finances that allow for budgeting can make a plan to realistically afford surrogacy.


There are many paths available for those looking to finance their surrogacy. Intended parents often use a combination of personal savings, community fundraising, and specialized surrogacy loans to build a financial plan, No one option will be right for everyone.

What Do You Get from Paying for Surrogacy?

With all of these fees being talked about, it can be easy to focus on the costs of surrogacy and forget about all the benefits these funds provide you. For intended parents working with an agency, much of these funds provide you with tangible benefits, like:

When considering the cost of surrogacy in South Carolina, make sure to ask any agency you are working with about their wait times, screening standards and financial protection.

Understanding the Cost of Surrogacy in South Carolina

As we’ve mentioned, the cost of surrogacy in South Carolina is the sum of a collection of smaller fees, not one uniform expense.

These fees can change individually based on the cost of living, your chosen professional and other variables. Many of these fees can be bundled together, but let’s take a closer look at three of your most important expenses.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost with Insurance in South Carolina?

How insurance policies affect surrogacy can vary. Some policies will cover the cost of your surrogate’s medical treatments, and may even help contribute to your surrogate’s compensation.

However, most insurance policies don’t offer coverage to surrogates at all.

If your insurance doesn’t cover your surrogate, you’ll need to obtain additional coverage. You could purchase the required coverage, but if you’re working with a surrogacy agency, you may not need to.

Some high-quality agencies secure health coverage for surrogates at no extra expense to the intended parents.

Insurance can be a complicated, confusing topic. If the proper steps are not taken to secure coverage, this expense could end up costing much more than it needs to.

Insurance coverage for surrogacy is best discussed with a professional experienced in both fields.

How Much Does a Surrogate Cost in South Carolina?

Surrogate compensation in South Carolina ranges between $50,000 and $70,000+. If your surrogate lives in a different state, these prices might need to be adjusted for the cost of living.

Compensation is comprised of two separate fees: called base pay and reimbursements.

Reimbursement covers costs directly related to the pregnancy, like the purchase of maternity clothes, travel expenses to attend IVF treatments or other appointments, copays and other medical expenses not covered by insurance.

Base pay is similar to a monthly salary. Surrogates are compensated for several important reasons, reflecting the physical, emotional and logistical commitments they make, and deserve fair compensation for time and effort. 

Many surrogates use these funds to improve their family’s lives in some way, like putting a down payment on a home or establishing a college fund for their own children.

How Much Does IVF and Surrogacy Cost?

IVF in South Carolina costs between $13,000 and $20,000. Once your IVF clinic has prescribed medication and ordered tests, your costs may be much higher, possibly exceeding $30,000. Your insurance may be able to help with these costs.

IVF is typically not included in a surrogacy agency’s pricing because embryo creation typically needs to happen before you can be matched with a surrogate.

Affording Surrogacy in South Carolina

While surrogacy is attainable, intended parents may need to put in a bit of work to raise the required funds.

For most families, an important piece of surrogacy fundraising is borrowing a portion of their funding. Loans are the most popular pathways to funding surrogacy and can be the most easily accessible for many intended parents.

If you’re exploring the possibility of funding your surrogacy through a loan, be sure to look into home equity-backed loans and surrogacy-specific loans.

These borrowing methods may help you obtain better terms for your funding. For more information, keep reading, and talk with your local bank, credit union or surrogacy professional.

How to Pay for Surrogacy

Many intended parents combine a variety of resources to complete their surrogacy funding. Resources on this list could be a good starting point for you to begin building your financial plan. Remember, this list isn’t exhaustive. Be sure to examine your own unique circumstances and consider what assets you may be able to leverage during this process.

Many intended parents save for years, little by little, in order to afford surrogacy.

If you have any profitable investments like long-term mutual funds, these could take care of much of the costs.

Homeowners can take out a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC). This method is often overlooked, but it comes highly recommended by economists.

Many charitable organizations offer grants to intended parents. This can be an impactful supplement to assist your budget.

Some companies offer adoption assistance, which can often be extended to surrogacy. Some companies even offer surrogacy-specific benefits.

There are also loans available for intended parents. Surrogacy professionals may offer a financing plan, or they may work with partner organizations like Sunfish or FutureFamily. Be aware of predatory lending and high interest rates. Consult a surrogacy professional for more information and personalized advice. 

Surrogacy Agencies in South Carolina

Surrogacy agencies provide vital resources for intended parents, from legal services to nationwide surrogate matching. If you’re looking for South Carolina surrogacy agencies, consider reaching out to these firms.

Fertility Agencies in South Carolina

Fertility agencies are an essential component of your surrogacy journey, and finding a clinic that’s a good fit for you will improve your experience. Consider contacting these South Carolina fertility clinics.

When Can I Get Started?

Surrogacy operates on your schedule – you don’t have to wait any longer to begin building the family you’ve always dreamed of having.

When you’re ready to begin, contact us. We can help you contact professionals and formulate a robust financial plan.

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