Surrogacy By State

The 3 Qualifications for Being a Surrogate in Kansas

Key Points:
  • Get a better understanding of surrogacy requirements in Kansas.
  • Learn what types of screenings are needed to become a surrogate in Kansas.
  • Connect with a surrogacy professional to help you get started on your surrogacy journey.

Are you considering becoming a surrogate in Kansas? If so, you may be asking, “Am I eligible to be a surrogate mother in Kansas?”

Before you learn more about the requirements for surrogacy in Kansas, it’s important to understand this: There are no surrogacy laws in Kansas that regulate who can and cannot become a surrogate. In fact, there are no surrogacy laws here at all. Instead, surrogacy in the Sunflower State is a process largely regulated and completed by local professionals.

If you’re wondering whether you meet the criteria to be a surrogate in Kansas, you’ll need to contact a local surrogacy professional. Surrogacy attorneys and agencies often have overlapping qualifications for being a surrogate, but they may also have individual specific requirements, as well. Contacting them is the best way to learn whether or not you can be a surrogate in Kansas.

Contact a Kansas surrogacy professional

Below, you’ll find a few general qualifications to be a surrogate in Kansas. Again, while they are not required by state law, they are qualifications that most professionals will require you to meet before moving forward with your surrogacy journey.

1. Meet Initial Surrogacy Requirements as Determined By Your Professional.

Each surrogacy professional in Kansas will have different requirements for surrogacy. These will be based on not only the suggestions and advice of other professionals but also the individual program itself. Only by contacting these professionals will you know exactly how to qualify to be a surrogate mom in Kansas.

When you contact surrogacy professionals, you may find that they share certain requirements to be a surrogate. This is because the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) suggests certain standards to assisted reproductive technology (ART) professionals to ensure the best practices possible.

According to these standards, qualifications for being a surrogate should include:

  • Being of legal age, preferably between 21 and 45 years old
  • Having had at least one full-term, uncomplicated pregnancy
  • Having had no more than a total of five previous vaginal deliveries or three deliveries via cesarean section
  • Having a stable family environment with adequate support for the challenges of the surrogacy process

Often, as part of the initial application to be a surrogate, a woman will undergo certain medical testing. As well as providing her complete personal and sexual history, she will need to be tested for sexually transmitted infections. Her partner (if applicable) will often need to undergo testing, as well. A surrogate will also typically undergo an examination by a medical professional to ensure she is medically cleared for the embryo transfer and pregnancy processes.

These are just the standards suggested by the ASRM. Again, speak with a local surrogacy professional to learn about their specific program criteria for becoming a surrogate mother in Kansas.

2. Understand the Emotional and Practical Aspects of the Surrogacy Process.

While there are set professional “requirements” for surrogacy in Kansas, there are also other things that every prospective surrogate should consider.

Surrogacy is a huge commitment and a life-changing journey. When you decide to become a surrogate, you will give your body, time and energy to help bring a life into the world. This is an admirable and honorable thing — but it’s important that you are aware of the potential risks and challenges as well as the positives of this path.

While it’s rare for a gestational surrogate to have feelings of attachment toward the child inside her, it’s normal to deal with emotions of grief and sadness after the child goes home with his or her parents. This is a combination of the stress and simultaneous relief of the surrogacy process ending and the postnatal hormones you will still be feeling.

Women who ask, “Can I be a surrogate at 18 in Kansas?” need to understand the physical and emotional demands of being a surrogate. Most professionals require that surrogates be at least 21 years old, have brought a child to term and (ideally) are raising him or her when they pursue this path. When you have this experience, you will know what to expect from another pregnancy — which will be immensely helpful in coping with the challenges of your surrogacy journey. Professionals set age restrictions for surrogacy in Kansas and throughout the United States to keep surrogates safe, both medically and emotionally.

You’ll need to be comfortable with all of these aspects of the surrogacy journey before becoming a surrogate. While not official “qualifications” to become a surrogate mother in Kansas, they are things that every woman should think about — and that many surrogacy professionals will talk about in length before approving a prospective surrogate.

3. Complete Medical Screening.

The final step in being approved as a surrogate is another medical screening, often after a surrogate has been matched with the intended parents. This screening will more deeply explore a surrogate’s ability to carry a pregnancy to term. She may need to undergo procedures like blood and urine testing, a saline infusion sonohysterography and more. All of these will confirm that a surrogate’s body is truly ready to carry a child for intended parents.

Some professionals will also require a prospective surrogate to undergo psychological screening and counseling at this time to ensure a woman fully understands the physical and emotional demands of the surrogacy process in Kansas.


The screening process is covered in the surrogacy compensation package. Surrogates can earn $50,000 to $110,000 for their service.

So, what qualifies you to be a surrogate mother in Kansas?

More than anything else, you will need to understand the challenges, rewards and intricacies of the process you’re about to begin. Understanding how surrogacy works is the first qualification for being a surrogate mother in Kansas. The others will always be determined by the professional with whom you choose to work.

To learn more about surrogate mother guidelines in Kansas, please contact a surrogacy professional today.

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