Intended Parents

What are the Requirements of Surrogacy?

Key Points

However your family is formed, making the decision to become parents is a big step. Couples and individuals who are considering adding to their family through surrogacy often wonder whether they meet surrogacy requirements and whether it is the right time for them to begin the process.

Surrogacy is an exciting, life-changing and worthwhile way to bring a new little one into your home, but it is important that you feel prepared before committing to the process. As you consider growing your family, you’ll need to ask yourself whether you meet the emotional and financial requirements to get a surrogate and proceed with this family-building journey.

That’s right — surrogates aren’t the only one who have to meet requirements to start the surrogacy process. In surrogacy, parent requirements are important, too. They will play a crucial role in determining whether you are really ready to make the leap forward into this complicated, yet rewarding, process.

To get more information about what qualifications you will need to meet, reach out to a surrogacy professional today.

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Surrogacy Requirement #1: Understanding of the Surrogacy Process

There are many different legal, medical and social aspects of surrogacy, and it can be a complicated issue. One of the best things you can do to feel prepared for your surrogacy journey is to learn as much as you can on the subject.

Here are some steps you can take to educate yourself about surrogacy before making your decision:

The field of surrogacy is always changing and expanding. There is always something new to be learned, even for intended parents who have already completed the process, but having a basic understanding of surrogacy can help put your mind at ease as you prepare to take your next steps.

Surrogacy Requirement #2: Emotional Readiness

For intended parents, surrogacy can be a long process with many ups and downs. Whatever your reasons for considering surrogacy — whether you are a couple who has struggled with infertility, a member of the LGBT community or a single parent hoping to expand your family — you should make sure you fully understand the emotional investment involved.

One of the most important requirements to get a surrogate is that you are really ready to emotionally commit to the surrogacy process. A surrogacy professional will not allow you to move forward with your journey until they are confident in your ability to commit to a prospective surrogate, without harboring any negative feelings toward her or the process in general.

Before you pursue surrogacy, you and your spouse should ask yourself these questions:

For parents who have previously added to their families through surrogacy, the joy of bringing a new baby home far outweighs the emotional challenges that may be experienced throughout the process. However, every individual or couple must decide for themselves whether they are ready for this emotional journey.

If you are struggling with the decision to pursue surrogacy, it may be helpful to consult a surrogacy professional, fertility specialist or family counselor to help you work through any doubts or fears you may have about the process — and ensure that you are ready for the commitment that certain requirements for surrogacy demand.

Surrogacy Requirement #3: Financing

Between medical expenses, legal costs, agency fees and surrogate living expenses, surrogacy can be expensive. Most surrogacy expenses are variable, and the overall cost of surrogacy can be tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Every intended parent should be prepared for the financial requirements of surrogacy well before they ever start the process.

The cost of your surrogacy will depend on many factors, including the services you use and the professional and surrogate you work with. Some of the costs commonly associated with surrogacy include:

Because it requires a significant financial investment, it is important for prospective intended parents to fully understand these costs before committing to surrogacy. You should contact the agencies you are considering to discuss your specific surrogacy needs and goals to determine an accurate cost estimate. Every agency will have different financial surrogacy requirements, and those estimates may play a role in your choice of professional.


What you pay in surrogacy fees will cover all of the necessary professionals and services needed to have a successful surrogacy journey.

It is also important to note that insurance often does not cover many surrogacy costs, and unlike adoption, there are few grants available for surrogacy. Intended parents should be prepared to budget for their surrogacy and should research all available financing options, including loans and fundraising possibilities.

Surrogacy Requirement #4: Excitement to be Parents

Surrogacy is a long process with life-changing implications. At the end of your surrogacy journey, you will be bringing a new baby home, and it is important that you and the rest of your family are prepared for all of the exciting changes a child will bring to your life.

In many ways, this is the most important question to ask yourself as you prepare to grow your family through surrogacy. When you decide to begin the surrogacy process, you should not only be prepared for surrogacy — you should be prepared for all of the challenges, joys and excitement of raising your child. This excitement will be a key motivator during the tough times in your surrogacy journey, so you need to be 100 percent committed to and excited for this path to make gestational surrogacy worth it for your family.

If you have questions about qualification for intended parents, contact a surrogacy professional today.

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