Intended Parents

Embryo Transportation Services

Embryo transportation may be a part of your path to parenthood.

Using reputable embryo shipping companies ensures that these embryos will be safely transported and viable for use once thawed.

Contact us online to get more free information about getting connected to professionals that are required for this journey. Whether that’s a surrogacy agency, fertility clinic or an embryo shipping company, we’re here for you.

The following information takes a closer look at embryo transportation services and everything involved with what they do to help make parenthood a possibility for you.

What Do Embryo Transportation Services Do?

When becoming a parent isn’t as clear cut as conceiving naturally, there are many forms of assisted reproductive technology (ART) that mean your dreams of being a parent are still possible.

Freezing embryos could be part of your journey to preserve future fertility and transporting those embryos to a different location may be required.

Like most of the steps in this process, utilizing the services of a professional, like an embryo transport service, gives you the support you deserve to grow your family.

Embryo transportation services:

  • Arrange transport

  • Process the required paperwork

  • Take your embryos where they need to go

    Taking advantage of the experience that embryo transport companies have could make in-vitro fertilization (IVF) a viable option for growing your family. Shipping your embryos comes with its own set of costs. Learn more about the costs of shipping your embryos to another clinic.

    How Does An Embryo Shipping Company Transport and Deliver Frozen Embryos?

    Before we look at how embryo transportation services get your embryos from point A to point B, you need to know how your frozen embryos are prepared and stored for the journey ahead. 

    First, the embryos see a cryoprotectant agent that stops ice crystals from forming. This is important because ice crystals can damage an embryo. Immediately after, embryos are frozen through vitrification with liquid nitrogen.

    Vitrification stops all development within an embryo but in order to keeps the embryos frozen at the low temperature required to stop that development, they are stored in specialized tanks that contain an inner absorbent material that can hold liquid nitrogen

    In addition to the tanks that the embryo transport company transports, there are also new technologies like sensors and data loggers that can alert them to any fluctuation in the temperature inside.

    Fill out our online contact form to learn more how to talk to start the conversation with your clinic.

    What Are My Options for Embryo Shipping Companies?

    There are a variety of embryo transportation services that can make this process as smooth and straightforward as possible for you.

    Here are a few examples of companies in the U.S.:

    • CryoStork
      • Certifications/Qualifications: “As pioneers in creating and adhering to ISO 21973, Cryoport Systems has played a crucial role in shaping the global standards for the safe and effective transport of temperature-sensitive materials.”
    • ArkCryo
      • Cost: $1,855-$6,400
      • Certifications/Qualifications: In addition to ten years of experience, “ARKCryo guarantees that all cryodeliveries are made according to IATA standards, and EU-Tissue Directive 2004/23/CE, 2006/17/EC, and 2006/86/EC.”
    • MedAir
      • Certifications/Qualifications: “With Cold Chain Management, will ensure your samples remain in their cryogenic state from origin to destination. Plus, all our dry shippers are validated with a hold time of 21 days and meet International Air Transport Association requirements.”

    Is FedEx Embryo Shipping An Option for Me?

    There are some local transportation services that transport certain healthcare-related tissues but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is in charge of all regulation when it comes to any human cells or tissues that are used to implant, transplant, infuse or transfer into another human.

    FedEx has deep frozen shipping, but FedEx embryo shipping of human or animal embryos is prohibited.

    Get in touch with us online to get connected with a fertility clinic near you. Communication between your fertility clinic and the fertility clinic where you want to send your embryos is crucial to ensuring a successful journey.

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